Your Thirsty Child Water Bottle is Just One Click Away!
We’ve extended our free water bottle promotion through July
Hello Friends!
We use 9 Billions of water per day in the United States to water our lawns…but children in the developing world still suffer because of unsafe drinking water. Over 26% of the people in the world lack access to safe water and decent sanitation.
A child dies every two minutes from illnesses related to unsafe water. Will you help?
At Thirsty Child and CareLink, we have distributed thousands of free water filters in the developing world to help reduce the suffering from illnesses related to unsafe water. A simple water filter system costs $50 and can provide safe water for a family for up to ten years!
We need your help. During the remainder of July, we will send you a free Thirsty Child - branded water bottle for your gift of at least $50. This beautiful bottle is a $35 value!
Check us out at
"Faith without action is dead.” (James 2:17)