Welcome to Microfinance Monday!
I want to send you a beautiful Thirsty Child Water Bottle today!
Hello friends! We are on a mission to help bring clean, safe water to desperate children in the developing world. A child dies every two minutes because of illnesses related to unsafe water and poor sanitation. We are doing our part to help address this global water crisis…and we need your help. Check out today’s video to learn more.
If you make a donation of at least $50. within seven days, we will send you a beautiful Thirsty Child water bottle (a $35 value!). This offer is available through the generous support of our partner, Vidl.
“…when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink…”. (Matthew 25:35)
Visit ThirstyChid.org to learn more about our partnership with my friend, Rick Fessler, CEO of Vidl.