Welcome to Microfinance Monday!
So much water… but none to drink (in many parts of the world)
Hello friends, and greetings from beautiful Lake Michigan. One of our favorite places to be is on our beloved boat, “Ruthie” cruising on Lake Michigan near our summer home in New Buffalo, Michigan. I am always inspired by the beauty and vastness of the lake. This incredible body of water is 307 miles long and 118 miles wide at it’s widest point. 14 Million acres of water! Did you know that the Great Lakes contain 20% of the world’s fresh water? All of the water in the Great Lakes could cover the entire continental United States with ten feet of water. What a blessing we have to enjoy seemingly unlimited fresh water on demand.
Many of our brothers and sisters to not enjoy this blessing in the developing world. The United Nations recently released a report indicating that 29% of the world lacks access to safe water. This global water crisis impacts over a billion people, and many of those suffering this preventable misery are innocent children…who were simply unfortunate enough to lose the “Geography Lottery.” They were born in a country plagued by war, civil conflict, poverty, and an unjust and corrupt government. These kids suffer needlessly from Cholera, Typhoid, and chronic Diarrhea - which causes missed school, pain, and developmental delays.
A child dies every two minutes from illnesses and disease related to unsafe water and poor sanitation
I believe Christians are called to respond to this crisis because we have the “three A’s”…
Awareness of the problem
Ability to Act
At CareLink, and our sister organization, Thirsty Child, we are acting. Over the last 5 years, we have distributed free water filter kits to thousands of families in the developing world. Over 10,000 people have benefitted from this program! In the future, we will continue to distribute these life-saving filters, and our plans also include digging wells and building water sanitation systems with trusted partners.
Your gift can save lives. Will you help? You can purchase a filter for $75, or provide safe water for and entire community for $3,750., but a gift of any amount can have a huge impact.
Learn more at ThirstyChild.org
“…when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink…” (Mathew 25:35)