Welcome to Philanthropy Friday - “The Good News Edition!”

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news

that will cause great joy for all people.

- Luke 2:10

Those words “…for all people,” have special meaning for us at CareLink and ThirstyChild. Good news…for all people. Everyone. Christ came to this planet 2000 years ago to bring light into the world for everyone. And with that message He reminds us to “Love each other as I have loved you.”

These are words that are central to the core of our work. We don’t just provide loans, or water filters, or business coaching for new entrepreneurs - we always do our best to try to bring the joy of Christ - the Good News - into every transaction. Hurting and marginalized people in the developing world are always very aware of why we show up to help them….because that’s what Jesus taught us to do! The very word “Philanthropy” comes from two Greek words meaning “love of humanity.”

My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will come to experience the true joy of the season. That the Christ of Advent will arrive in your heart, and that you will truly feel connected to the knowledge that philanthropy starts with believing and acting upon the teaching of the arriving Christ - for all people.

Merry Christmas.

Visit JeffreyHartman.org to learn more about our work


Welcome to Philanthropy Friday!


Philanthropy Friday