What does “Magnification” have to do with Microfinance?
Meet Javier and lean more
Hello friends! When we invest in someone with a microfinance loan, that investment gets “Magnified”. How? Consider Javier. Javier is a hardworking and big-hearted man from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We funded Javier a couple years ago with a microfinance loan so he could open a produce stand - helping him achieve financial independence and providing fresh fruits and vegetables to his community.
What happened? He magnified this investment! Javier’s business is thriving, enabling him to hire employees, stimulate the local economy by purchasing a new pick-up truck, and even purchasing the land that his produce stand sits on.
Beyond that, Javier is a Christian and a big giver….always looking for opportunities to help people. During the COVID pandemic, for example, when fresh water was hard to find, Javier spent his own money trucking safe water into his community free of charge for suffering families
Microfinance “Magnifies” investments…leveraging those dollars and multiplying them for families, communities, churches, and the Kingdom.
Check us out and see how we can magnify your investment