Welcome to Microfinace Monday!
Salsa and cinnamon rolls - what do they have in common?
Hello friends. Check out my video today to learn what these two things have in common…and the value of “Expansion”. I have been to Belize three times since January 3rd, as we explore CareLink expansion opportunities. During that time, we have interviewed 65 individuals that wish to start a small business or expand their existing business with the power of microfinance capital.
Helping a small business expand has certain benefits; typically the founding entrepreneur has a proven track record of success, and their business model has been validated. Helping them expand their business can mean creating jobs and generating increased cash flow that can greatly benefit families, communities, and churches.
Consider Santos, a hard working and intelligent woman I recently meet in Belmopan, Belize. Santos is the owner of a small home-based business that makes hand-crafted salsa, sauces and bakery items, (including cinnamon rolls). While her business is successful, she is just barely getting by, and expansion capital would enable her to hire two people, scale her business, create a secure financial future for her family, and give back to her church and community.
Long ago, Jabez prayed that the Lord would bless him, have His hand on him, and EXPAND his boundaries. I believe God honors prayers like this, especially when those praying desire to bless others.
Check us out at CareLinkFoundation.org to learn more about the expanding power of microfinance.