Welcome to Philanthropy Friday!
This Investment has massive ROEI returns!
Most people invest with the hope of receiving a good Return On Investment, (ROI). Well, I have an investment opportunity that provides a zero percent ROI, but a MASSIVE ROEI. What's a ROEI? It's a "Return on Eternal Investment." Let me explain, (and check out the video).
During a recent trip to Belize, we discovered a group home for girls who have been rescued from their homes because of an abusive, often sexually abusive, environment. These girls, between the ages of 5 and 18, are welcomed into a loving group home setting where they are cared for by compassionate Christian women. The problem is that when the girls turn 18, they "age-out" of the home and must move. The girls, of course, don't want to return home to an abusive environment, so their options are limited, and they can easily fall victim to the streets. Lacking job skills, their chances for getting a fresh start are slim.
Our solution? We are seeking to launch a microfinance training business at the girl's home that will teach the girls QuickBooks skills. My friend, Valerie, a QuickBooks pro, will do the training. Then, when the girls age-out of the program, they will have real, tangible and marketable skills. There is a solid demand for employees with QuickBooks skills, as many small businesses use this accounting tool because it is inexpensive and relatively simple to use. These girls will have a future. They will have independence. They will have hope.
e are raising $5,000. to launch this training business. I sincerely believe five of you will visit my website today and make a $1,000. donation.
No, this investment has no worldly return. But when God's people invest in ways to "love their neighbor", the returns are Eternal!
P.S. When you invest in this project, send me an email at Jeff@JeffreyHartman.org indicating you have invested in the "QuickBooks for Hope" project.