Welcome to Microfinance Monday!
2024 Goals - Last Friday was “Quitter’s Day”…please tell me you didn’t give up on your goals!
Hello Friends!
Although we continue to invest in microfinance initiatives in the developing world, we are still pushing hard at this time to increase our impact on the children suffering from lack of clean safe water in Central America. Is one of your 2024 goals to do something to change lives and give your life a bigger and greater purpose?
Check out today’s video to learn more
Join us as we reduce suffering by providing the gift of clean safe water to a family, school, or entire community in 2024. We are brining the life-changing power of clean water to children in the name of Christ.
Our water filter programs are provided by our sister organization, Thirsty Child, so check us out today at thirstychild.org to learn more about our investment levels and how you can partner with us and CareLink to make a huge impact
BTW, last Friday, January 12 was “Quitters Day” - the day, statistically, when 85% of those who have made “New Year’s Resolutions” or have set goals have already given up! Don’t quit! Set your purpose-filled goals today and come along side us to make 2024 the year that you did your part to make the world a better place.
A child dies every two minutes from illnesses related to unclean water. (United Nations Annual Report)