Welcome to Microfinance Monday!
An inspiring young woman pastor and Jenny’s Nail Salon
Hello friends! Back in January I introduced you to Pastor Minelvia, a 25 year old woman who leads the Full Gospel Church of God in San Martin, an impoverished little community just outside Belmopan, the capital of Belize.
Minelvia is an incredible and inspiring young church leader who is a powerful role model for the members of her church. When we visited Minelvia in January, we had asked her to invite members of her church who were interested in launching small businesses to join us. Twelve individuals showed up (ten were women!). One of these women, Jenny, has just finished trade school - learning how to become a certified manicurist. She is running the little business as a hobby from her home, but she has aspirations to grow her venture into a real business. We intend to help her with a $2000. microfinance loan. Jenny, a bright, energetic, and enthusiastic young woman, is the type of person who can bring change and prosperity to her community and her country….in a sustainable way.
Women are critical to the success and survival of the developing world, and we love empowering them with capital. And when we can fund several businesses within a church community, we are helping to support the church, advance the Kingdom, AND bring prosperity to these poor communities at the same time. A big win-win!
Check us out at CareLinkFoundation.org
Click here and your donation will go toward funding Jenny’s nail salon.